HS Code

HS Codes Descriptions
Weighing Scales (From Dubai Customs)
84238200 Weighing machinery having a maximum weighing capacity exceeding 30 kg but not exceeding 5,000 kg.
84231000 Personal weighing machines, including baby scales; household scales.
84232000 Scales for continuous weighing of goods on conveyors.
84233000 Constant weight scales & scales for discharging a predetermined weight of material into a bag or con
84238100 Weighing machinery (exclUding balances of a sensitivity of 5 cg or better) having a maximum weighinG
90160000 Balances of a sensitivity of 5 cg or better, with or without weights.
Weighing Scales (From Jordan Customs)
84231000000 People weighing devices, including baby scales; Home scales, except for those with a sensitivity of <=5 mg
84232000000 Devices for continuous weighing of goods transported on conveyor belts, except for those with a sensitivity of <=5 g
84233000000 Devices for weighing a fixed quantity, weighing devices and domes for placing materials in bags… with a sensitivity of >5 g
84238100000 Other weighing devices (g.m.k.), with a weighing capacity of <=30 kg, except for those whose sensitivity is <=5 kg.
84238210000 (G.M.K), with a weight capacity >30 kg but <= 5000 kg
84238290000 Other weighing devices, with a weighing capacity >30 but <=5000 kg, (G.M.K.)
84238910000 (G.M.K.), with a weight capacity >5000 kg
84238990000 Other weighing devices, with a weighing capacity of >5000 kg, (G.M.K.)
84239000000 Castings (calibres) for all scales; parts of weighing equipment belonging to heading 8423
Lifting Equipment
84271010100 Vehicles with forklifts… equipped with lifting equipment, self-propelled, operated by an electric motor, prepared for industrial use with a driving cab.
84271010900 Vehicles with forklifts… equipped with lifting equipment, self-propelled, operated by an electric motor, prepared for industrial use (G.M.K.)
84271090100 Forklifts and stacking vehicles equipped with lifting equipment, self-propelled, operated by an electric motor with a driving cab (G.M.K.)
84271090900 Forklift and typesetting vehicles equipped with lifting equipment, self-propelled, powered by an electric motor (G.M.K.)
84272010100 Vehicles with forklifts and other… for stacking, equipped with lifting equipment, self-propelled, prepared for industrial use, with a driving cab.
84272010900 Forklift trucks and other typesetting vehicles equipped with self-propelled lifting equipment for industrial use (G.M.K.)
84272090100 Forklift trucks and other typesetting vehicles equipped with lifting equipment, self-propelled, with a driving cab (G.M.K.)
84272090900 Forklift trucks and other typesetting vehicles equipped with lifting equipment, self-propelled, (G.M.K.)
84279010100 Forklift trucks and other typesetting vehicles equipped with lifting equipment, intended for industrial use, with driving cab (G.M.K.)
84279010900 Forklift trucks and other typesetting vehicles equipped with lifting equipment, intended for industrial use (G.M.K.)
84279090100 Forklift trucks and other typesetting vehicles equipped with lifting equipment, with driving cab (N.K.)
84279090900 Forklift trucks and other typesetting vehicles equipped with lifting equipment, (G.M.K.)
90160020000 Sensitive scales with a sensitivity of <= 5 centimeters or more, even if they are equipped with castanets, are intended for industrial use.
90160090000 Sensitive scales whose sensitivity is <=5 centimetres or more, even if they are equipped with castanets (G.M.K.)
Load Cell & Indicator
90311010000 Machines for balancing mechanical parts are intended for industrial use
90311090000 Mechanical parts balancing machines (G.M.K.)
90312010000 Automated test tables are intended for industrial use
90312090000 Automated test tables (G.M.K.)
90314100000 Other optical devices and instruments, for examining discs or semiconductor instruments or for examining optical masks or reticles
90314910000 Optical instruments and devices for measuring the degree of contamination of the surfaces of semiconductor chips with fine particles
90314920000 Pupillary measuring devices
90314930000 Devices for examining objects using side shadows
90314990000 Other optical devices and instruments for measuring or inspection, (G.M.K.)
90318010000 Other measuring or testing devices, tools and machines prepared for industrial use
90318090000 Other devices, tools and machines for measuring or examining, (G.M.K.)
90319010000 Parts and supplies for equipment, item (903141)
90319020000 Parts and supplies for hardware items (9031491)
90319090000 Parts and supplies, devices, tools and machines included in heading 9031, (G.M.K.)
90173000 Micrometers, callipers & gauges
BEL HS Codes
HS Code Description
90160090 Serial cable 9 poles M/M for serial output Printer/PC, TLP-50 Serial thermal Printer, with date/time (cable included)
90160010 L2202, L4202, i-Thermo G163L, L5202, S203, S303, S303, -Thermo G62L, MW1203i, S1002, S2202, MG6202, RBG12102
84238129 S6501, ES2201, RB16001,  ES422, RB16001
84238220 RB32001
Dini HS Codes
90318080 Loadcell, Weighing Pads
84238220 Bench Scales,
85371091 Indicator
85366990 Wifi Interface
85444290 Cord
84239010 Ramp


84238920 75-Ton JCM load cell


Jordan Customs: https://asytrade.customs.gov.jo/customs/tariff/search

Dubai Customs: https://www.dubaicustoms.gov.ae/en/eServices/Pages/HScodesearch.aspx

Saudi Arabia Customs: https://saber.sa/home/hscodes


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